Why the kathiawari today?

Strive is a fruit bearing tree. Today to look at India and it’s culture, we would see people who come an everyday event at some villages where people gather and hear the stories of bravery and valor of historical personalities which remain dead in the progressing India. We are taught about Mahatma Gandhi, about revolts […]

Surbhi Ashram is home to some of best Kathiawari breed of stallions and mares in India. They embellish the presence of Shri Ranchodrayji Bhagwan. He owns them and he is the soul caretaker of horses. The Kathiwari is an Indigenous breed of India who are known for their rugged and sure footed physical features and […]
The kathiawari and Swaminarayan bhagwan

Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan who blessed the mrityulok from 1781-1830 and established the great Swaminarayan Sampraday in the early 19th century was fond of the pious Kathiawari horses. Shree Sahajanand Swami owned the beautiful Manki mare, who was a Pure Kathiawari and was called by the name of her color-brown- same as that of Manek. She […]